What is a Bundle?

Crypto Bundles are baskets of individual cryptocurrencies which enable you to easily own and manage a diversified crypto portfolio.

Our Bundles are ready-made crypto investment baskets that provide you with direct exposure to the underlying cryptocurrencies within each Bundle.

This approach provides Bundle holders with a means to obtain effortless low-cost diversified exposure to the crypto market. Find out more about our Bundles here.

Which Bundle should I invest in?

If you are wondering which Bundle to purchase, you can find detailed information about each Bundle on our Products page. Each Bundle has its own fact sheet that provides comprehensive details, which can be downloaded for your convenience. We recommend reviewing these resources carefully to help you make an informed decision about which Bundle best suits your needs. Kindly be advised that we do not provide financial advice.

Why should I buy a Bundle of cryptocurrencies instead of individual cryptocurrencies?

Many cryptocurrency investors, both new and experienced, do not have the ability, knowledge or time to efficiently and securely manage a well-diversified cryptocurrency portfolio. In addition, the future remains uncertain and no one can accurately predict which blockchain technologies will succeed.

Revix allows you to build a diversified crypto portfolio and ‘own the market’, or in other words, own a cryptocurrency portfolio that makes up more than 80% of the world’s digital currencies market. This significantly increases your odds of owning the most successful cryptocurrencies while lowering your investment risk.

Are Revix Bundles the same as index funds?

While Revix Bundles share similar objectives with index funds, they are not the same thing. Like index funds, our Bundles aim to provide low costs, hassle-free investing, simplicity of use, and broad diversification benefits. Index funds are portfolios managed in a cost-effective manner to replicate the asset exposures of a respective index. The broad market exposure of index funds aims to capture the potential upside of multiple assets while minimising the impact of poor performing investments.

However, a significant drawback of index funds is that investors own units in a larger shared fund, rather than the underlying assets themselves. As a result, pricing mismatches can occur between the units owned by investors and the proportionate underlying fund assets.

At Revix, we offer a simple solution to address this problem. Our platform puts you in a powerful position where you are the direct owner and manager of your digital assets, without any fund administrators getting involved. We provide you with an easy-to-use platform to manage your own diversified crypto index Bundle using our proprietary technology.

How and when can I buy a Bundle?

To purchase one of our Bundles, simply register for an account and complete the verification process on the Revix platform. Once verified, you can invest in any of our 5 Bundles, which include the Top 10 Bundle, Payment Bundle, Smart Contract Bundle, Inflation Shield Bundle, and the DeFi Bundle with just a few clicks.

How frequently are Bundles rebalanced?

Bundles are rebalanced on the first day of every month.

What happens if I buy a Bundle after the first of the month?

Since Bundles are rebalanced on the 1st of every month, If you choose to buy a Bundle after the 1st of any given month you will gain exposure to the relevant cryptocurrencies as observed on the 1st of that particular month.

Do we exclude any cryptocurrencies from our Bundles?

Yes, we do not include fiat currency proxy coins, known as ‘fiat stablecoins’ or memecoins in our Bundles

We believe our digital asset investors deserve direct secure access to hard-to-get blockchain-based currencies with significant upside potential. If investors want exposure to hard fiat currency we recommend buying it directly. In the event that a cryptocurrency shows signs of impropriety, we will prohibit its acquisition or storage on the Revix platform.

Do Revix’s Bundles have a lockup period?

No, you are free to withdraw your funds whenever you feel like it.

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